
Antenna amplifier TX-100

Antenna amplifier TX-1001 A UHF active wireless pointing antenna with dual polarization log-periodic array.Compared with the 1/2 wavelength omnidirectional antenna, the heart-shaped mode can more effe

Antenna amplifier TX-100

1 A UHF active wireless pointing antenna with dual polarization log-periodic array.

Compared with the 1/2 wavelength omnidirectional antenna, the heart-shaped mode can more effectively receive the signal of the predetermined coverage area, and more effectively cover the RF signal outside the regional range.

To compensate for coaxial cable signal loss, the onboard amplifier provides the user with an optional 3 or 10dB gain.

Gain Settings are shown by two LED lights.

The antenna amplifier is powered by a remote 12V DC power supply and is supplied by the antenna distribution system via a coaxial cable.


Mon-Sat 9:00-18:00
